Improve situational awareness with hyperlocal weather insights

Vaisala Beacon Station + Unikie

A powerful new tool for ports

Rapidly changing weather and wind conditions cause unexpected problems for ports, including grounding, ship collisions, and damage to port-area machinery. Climate change has made these risks the new normal.

Fortunately, it is now possible to integrate industry-leading hyperlocal port weather information from Vaisala BWS500 Weather Station with the real-time situational awareness provided by the Fintraffic Port Flow Optimization solution.

Weather observations — together with other critical port operational information — are visible to all port actors through the Port Activity App. Whether on desktop or mobile, the application creates a powerful new decision-making tool for ports.


Real-time weather + port operational information

Using this unique combination of two of the industry’s leading solutions, you can empower your port to:

  • Simply and accurately measure key weather parameters for the entire port area: wind direction and speed, air pressure and humidity, temperature and rainfall
  • Better support decision-making that improves port safety and efficiency
  • Provide all port actors with real-time information about possible hazards or delays
  • Plan your port infrastructure development more intelligently to address changing climate conditions and extreme weather impacts


Explore the solutions

Vaisala Beam Weather Station BWS500 for Ports

Fintraffic Port Flow Optimization

Fintraffic Port Flow Optimization provides an ICT solution for cooperation between the key players in the port, including vessels, land operations, pilots, etc.

Vaisala Beacon Station + Unikie

Improve your port’s situational awareness with hyperlocal weather insights

How can you prepare for changing weather conditions and get access to the hyperlocal weather insights for your port operations? Speak with an expert today.